
Skype for business share audio
Skype for business share audio

skype for business share audio

I saw that even with DirectAccess disconnected (forcefully disconnect as it starts up automatically) the client could not share programs from Lync and audio/video would fail. Not having used DirectAccess before, I had a quick scan over the DirectAccess config and went into some testing. Audio and video would not work either when using DirectAccess.

skype for business share audio

This meant that internal support staff could not provide assistance for remote users without third party tools. The primary issue the client was facing was that when users were out of the office using DirectAccess, application sharing / remote desktop failed with an error ‘Sharing failed to connect due to network issues. For more information see this NextHop article Enabling Lync Media to Bypass a VPN Tunnel. Lync can work over DirectAccess (and Lync 2013 works a lot better as it supports IPv6) but because the traffic is encrypted and is real time communication, it is recommended to use the Lync Edge server for connectivity rather than sending the traffic over the DirectAccess VPN.

skype for business share audio

DirectAccess does this by providing seamless VPN connectivity without any user input.


DirectAccess is a Windows service that is part of the Remote Access role that allows domain joined clients to access internal resources over the internet as if they were on the LAN. A customer recently had a problem with Windows 2012 DirectAccess connected clients performing desktop sharing, audio and video conversations with internal clients.

Skype for business share audio